October 10, 2012

The Weekend Review

So, obviously you know that most of Saturday was spent at church for the women's conference, and I was so sad to see it come to an end. I learned so much, and like Pastor Lydia said, "If we aren't growing, we're dying." We constantly need to be working on our relationship with God and things that we can change in ourselves, in order to be the best that we can be.
When the conference ended, my mom picked me up and we went home for a bit. A little while after my dad got home, we decided to have lunch at a BBQ restaurant. It was so good as always. After, we ended up going across the street to look at furniture. We ended up getting a new couch! I really like it. It won't come in for another couple weeks, but it was still exciting. Other than the fact that the lady who sold it to us thought that I was fourteen. Uhh, yeah, the young age thing is not such a compliment right now.
We went to Home Good's for a bit because mom wanted to check some things out. I always find the coolest inspirational wall art. So, of course, I had to take pictures of them.

We also went to Wal-Mart to get a few things (where I got Justin Bieber's mom's book), then we went out to dinner. We made one last stop at WalGreen's, then came home to move all of our furniture back into the house. I don't think I've ever moved more things in my life than I have this year, haha. Once we got most of the house situated again, we decided to reward ourselves with milkshakes from Carls Jr. Might I add, they were quite delicious.

Sunday's are pretty typical because we usually have church, and this Sunday was no different. It was the first time we'd been back since traveling and everything, so it was nice. We were there a few minutes before church, so we got a chance to say hi to some people, which was nice.
The service was incredible as always. I am blown away by the love at our church, and I am excited to see what God has in store for all of us, as well as changes coming up at the church. This week's sermon was on "Living a no regrets life." It kind of went hand in hand with some of the things that stood out to me at the women's conference.
Satan's goal in life is to kill our joy and destroy the dreams God has for us. God's purpose is to give us life and give us joy. There are four ways to hold onto that joy:

  • Love (it is also the root of passion)
  • Integrity
  • Forgiveness
  • Enthusiasm
I've found myself bitter and a little more negative than what I've been trying to work on this year. There are so many things I have to be excited about, not only "superficially", but more importantly in what God has planned for me. I shouldn't be sitting here complaining or griping about it, I should be thrilled with a smile on my face, getting into action for whatever it is I want to tackle. In whatever we do here on earth, it should bring glory to God. That is the only way we will find true joy or happiness in life. 

After church, we went to lunch, then came home. I worked on homework a good portion of the time, and helped my parents move some furniture here and there when they needed it. We spent most of the day doing that, and ended up just ordering pizza for dinner. It was a nice night, taking in the sights of what almost felt like a new home. My mom also brought out our fall decorations, so it feels even more "home-y" than before. Ah, I love this time of year. 

That's all for now,

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