October 5, 2011

Urban Outfitters Sending Out the Wrong Message

I was reading Sophia Bush's blog last night, when I saw an old post that caught my eyes. I love that she is such an activist for all kinds of causes, and not only does she believe in these things, she does something about it! She helps out so many people, and I think it's great. Onto the blog... I can't believe Urban Outfitters would have a shirt that encourages something like this. Our media and world is so screwed up as it is with image and what everyone SHOULD look like. They're sending unhealthy ideas out there, and it's wrong. Thought I'd share the post with you.

UO, I have been a supporter of your store for many years, but now I'm through.

Ladies! This is OUTRAGEOUS. I hope none of you will stand for being told such a thing, in such a way. Being healthy, eating right, and staying active is one thing. Being told to starve yourselves by a fashion company? Not cool.

Article from the ClevelandLeader.com.

New Urban Outfitters T-Shirt Promotes Pro-Anorexia Movement

Urban Outfitters does admittedly have at least some pretty cool clothes, but if you're bigger than say a size 8 or are anything more than small-chested, good luck finding anything there to fit. I suppose that could be the message of their latest t-shirt, "Eat Less" and maybe you'll be able to buy/wear our clothes.
Perhaps some of the American population could stand to take the shirt's advice, but for those impressionable teens who shop at Urban Outfitters, it's message is more pro-anorexia than anything, especially when worn by an emaciated model.


I have been a supporter of your store for many years, but now I'm through.

I am fortunate enough to star on a wonderful TV show called One Tree Hill. I play a fashion designer named Brooke Davis, who started a campaign on the show called "Zero Is Not A Size" and the outpouring of love and gratitude that came my way from girls and women ALL OVER THE WORLD who have body image issues brought me to tears.

To promote starvation? To promote anorexia, which leads to heart disease, bone density loss, and a slew of other health problems, not least of all psychological issues that NEVER go away? Shame on you. I will no longer be shopping at your stores. And I will encourage the tens of thousands of female supporters I have to do the same. I have fought to boycott BP. I never imagined I would also be boycotting affordable fashion.

You should issue a public apology, and make a hefty donation to a women's organization that supports those stricken with eating disorders. I am sickened that anyone, on any board, in your gigantic company would have voted 'yes' on such a thing, let alone enough of you to manufacture an item with such a hurtful message. It's like handing a suicidal person a loaded gun. You should know better.

I sincerely hope that next time you decide that making fun of serious issues is comedic, or 'snarky in a cool way,' that you rethink your decision.

With Sincerity but NO respect,
Sophia Bush

Here is my letter, in defense of all of us who have ever looked in a mirror and felt less than fabulous...

Register on my site and post your messages and other information about this issue.

You can leave your own message to Urban Outfitters here  service@urbanoutfitters.com.

Thoughts?? I'd like to hear em! :)
 That's all,

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